Dr.Wael Abdallah

Opening Hours : Saturday to Thursday 10am to 8pm
  Contact : Hotline: 97606764 Mobile: 90044184

Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP is a recent technology that uses ingredients from your own blood to regenerate your skin and to rejuvenate collagen, resulting in vibrant, fresh younger looking skin. These ingredients reside within the fraction of your blood named “Platelet Rich Plasma” (PRP). PRP is enriched with platelets, stem cells and growth factors. Once injected into your skin, these substances will accelerate the normal healing process via new collagen formation at the injected area. Because your plasma (autologous) is used, there is no danger of disease transmission, anaphylaxis or neoplasia.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are ‘bioactive’ stimulators NOT a filler and it will increase collagen providing a gradual increase in skin thickness. Visible results appear after the first treatment session.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are are effective for treating

  • The eye area
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improvement in skins tone & texture
  • Full face rejuvenation
  • Décolletage
  • Dull dry skin
  • Crepey neck

PRP’s most exciting feature is that it is YOUR body, YOUR blood and Your plasma. Nothing artificial, nothing modified and therefore is 100% safe. It is the most natural way of rejuvenating.