Dr.Wael Abdallah

Opening Hours : Saturday to Thursday 10am to 8pm
  Contact : Hotline: 97606764 Mobile: 90044184

spectra, Warts & Hair loss

Photo-rejuvenation by Nd:YAG laser is the most popular aesthetic procedure in the world, gives extraordinary results without skin irritation or redness. Therefore with the Nd:Yag laser, we can treat tattoos , permanent make up, telangiectasia (capillaries), spider nevus, blue nevus , nevus of ota, hemangioma , old age keratosis, blemishes & freckles

Warts are minor local infections caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). The virus invades the skin cells and causes them to multiply rapidly. Dr. Wael Clinic provide the latest RF technology to treat warts & skin tags.
Skin tags
Dr. Wael Clinic provide the latest RF technology to treat warts & skin tags.

Nail fungus
Nail fungus, medically termed Onychomycosis. Dr. Wael Clinic present the new FDA-approved latest Nd:YAG laser technology to treat onychomycosis.

Hair loss
There is many types of hair fall, Dr. Wael Clinic provide the latest technologies to treat all of this different types, specially PRP; which give an exclusive & unique effect at our clinic stimulating stem cells in the hair follicles to regrow new hair plus reducing hair fall. Laser & the FDA approved medical therapy, are another procedures for management of hair fall.